Cahill Family

Cahill Family

Thursday, March 24, 2011

terribly Tremendous Twos

My Dearest Lachlan,
Happy 2nd Birthday to you!  This is a huge milestone, because this is the only time you will get to double your age from one birthday to the next.  We are so proud of all that you have accomplished these past two years, and how much you have grown.  You have learned to breath, eat, take a bottle, sleep, crawl, walk, run, jump!, and talk.  You have learned to share Mommy and Daddy.  You have become such a loving brother and have shown such tenderness (though not all the time) to your younger brother.  You have learned how to count, you have learned at least half of the alphabet, as well as the end of each line to countless nursery rhymes.  You have learned how to be silly and how to not listen to your parents.  You keep growing and growing, consistently being in at least the 90th percentile for height and weight--big kiddo!  We have seen your love for numbers, books, songs, Toy Story, VeggieTales, your brother, your puppy, letters (specifically the letter Z), balls, cars, Mario Kart, tubbies, outside, Y balls (the YMCA), mall target, and for each of your family members.  What a big heart you have!  We look forward to seeing more of your loves as the years go on.
Words cannot describe how blessed we are and how grateful we are to have been put in charge to care for you.  Our prayer is that we will be a good example to you of how to love and forgive and turn to the Lord.  Thank you for all the laughter and all the times you are teaching us patience.  We are not perfect parents, but gosh we love you.
Happy Birthday, two year old!
We love you, Lachlan.

Love ya, mean it
Be here now

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday big boy!! Oh... these pictures are all SO beautiful. I hate to admit it, but I got a little teary reading this :-)
