Cahill Family

Cahill Family

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Count your (Irish) blessings

Life comes with many little blessings. Sometimes they are not what are expected and sometimes you have to look hard for them.  Last weekend Luke and I went to our church's gala, and for the first time EVER a non-family member, hired babysitter put our boys to bed.  She was GREAT!  The whole time I was so nervous about Lachlan and how he would do with Mom and Dad leaving, so I was prepping him all day long telling him how fun it will be and how she will be putting Lachlan nigh-night.  So when she came, he did just fine.  He was finishing up dinner and we headed off.  We had SO much fun!  We look forward to cashing in our winnings later on! 
Well when we returned we found out that Torin was the one we really needed to be worried about.  He did not take his bottle, he screamed for about an hour, he just was not cooperating...out little angel!?  (wink).  Well, we hope that our new babysitter will not give up hope and help us out again!  And perhaps that means we need to leave more often so that Torin will get used to not always having Mommy there.  (He has acted this way for his father as well, but I thought we were over it...)  Yay!  Lachlan did GREAT without us!  Bummer! Torin did horrible without us!

More blessings: Our baby boy is growing up!  Well, duh!  You may say.  Well, though this is a quite obvious fact of life, for some reason I still don't believe it.  Rather I don't want to believe it.  So every time a milestone comes, it is bittersweet. 
 Yay! His first time eating solids  Bummer!  Now his poops are SOOO different and smellier.

He has also started rolling over--sometime in February.  This is fine too, but it just means we need to watch him while he is sitting on the couch now--sorry Torin!  And now he is sitting up by himself! (Not just when his mom props him up in the sand!)

He has also gotten 2 teeth.  Sometimes I think he kind of looks like Dopey when he smiles.
(This one doesn't look like Dopey, but you can see his teeth, and it's pretty cute!)
With more teeth comes a HUGE need for having EVERYTHING in his mouth, including your hand sometimes which can kinda hurt...

                                   But sometimes there are just (Irish) blessings with no strings attached.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
                    ~Irish blessing

St. Patrick, Pray for us
St. Joseph, Pray for us

Love ya, mean it
Be here now

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