Cahill Family

Cahill Family

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Torin Jerome Cahill

Our little Irish Blessing
born on September 4th, 2010
5:12 AM
9.7 lbs 22 1/2 in

Torin Jerome timeline:
Friday 9/3
2:00 PM Angela, Molly, Norma, and Michael go get pedicures. Angela tries to relax and tells Baby, ok, you can come whenever you are ready--Mama is ready now!
4:4 Angela starts changing Lachlan's incredibly stinky poopy diaper at the Cahill Sr's house with the whole family there
4:45 Angela's water breaks! But she is not sure if it was just an uncontrollable bladder thing...Molly said, it's your water! She sent me upstairs and took good care of me. : ) For a bit we all just stood in the hallway in shock and with such excitement that BCII was on the way! I was just laughing! I didn't know what to do...
5:40 Luke and Angela arrive at St. Joe's hospital
6:00 Arrive in room
One more shot of that Baby Bump!
6:45 They confirmed my water broke--we are stayin at the hospital!
8:30 Emily and Michael come and hang out for an hour.
10:45 Twins win! And Angela gets some Visceral
Saturday 9/4
1:30 AM finally some action! A severe contraction
2:15 The next severe contraction--at this point, I thought I would be laboring until Labor Day! The nurse started getting the room ready--I guess that was hopeful...
4:15 Dilated to 6 cm, kind of thinned out
4:45 Still dilated to 6 cm, all the way thinned out. I was ready for something to help my never-ending contractions. Too late for morphine, too late for an epidural, I will go with the phetynol (sp?) Though I debated this, because it would have to be a shot in the arm, and my veins suck, and I told the nurse that and I hate needles, but I guess I will endure it... Nurse called the Dr for the order and Dr was on her way. Emily arrives ready to support in anyway she can.
5:08 Dr comes, fully dilated! No time for the shot--that made that easy. Ready to push. Here we go!
5:12 and about 5 pushes later, Beautiful Torin Jerome enters the world as peaceful as can be. Luke let us know that we had another boy! Onto Mama he went, and we were able to bond right away. He was so quiet and didn't start crying for a few minutes. I just smelt him and said a blessing over him and looked at him and loved him and was so excited that he was now here, in my arms. That was such a beautiful moment.
5:13 Let the celebration of life begin!

As I stated before, I was so grateful in the Lord's timing with all of this. I knew that BC II, now Torin Jerome, would come right when he was supposed to. After my water broke and we got to the hospital, it was still hard to give it up, because I thought I would be laboring for a while, and I really wanted Molly, Aaron, and Evie to meet this little one before they were to catch their plane at 8 Saturday morning. I was grateful at least that they were there for the craziness of the water breaking! But fortunately, God has His perfect timing, and the 3 Volkers were able to meet Torin! Oh it was so special, and just about 3 minutes long, but they arrived at 6, and were able to meet this little one we were so anxiously waiting for. Thank you for your perfect timing, Lord!

Here is the Mama and the Dada with Baby inside

Here is the Mama and the Dada with Baby outside!

Our skin to skin time.

The scale said '9.7'!

Dad and Torin's skin to skin time.
(He was working his way down Luke's arm looking for something...)

Torin's first Tim Tam

Lachlan's first time hugging the baby. He knew just what to expect-Mama, Dada, & Behbeh

Our first posed family picture (don't mind the stylish Moo-Moo)

The Litany of our visitors. Thank you for coming and sharing your excitement!

Grandpa Jerome

Auntie Emi

Uncle Michael

Grandma Norma


G-ma who was prayin this Baby into the world and arrived soon after he was born!

Auntie Janey and Uncle Bear

Anne, who came to the hospital even on her day off!

Hrad and Sue from SACS-so good to see you!!!

Karen, who the Cahill boys (the babies that is) like to flirt with!

After our guests left in the morning, we took it easy Saturday, and figured out how to care for a newborn again, and even slept a little. Lachlan came back with Auntie Emi and Uncle Michael and was so excited to see his Behbeh again!
We decided to leave Sunday afternoon. We needed to get back home and be a family. It was such a week of craziness, we decided that would be the best. So after having a few more visitors come, we went home. A beautiful clean house and excited loved ones were waiting for us. Our parents and siblings and my Godmother did a wonderful job making our chaotic house into a warm and welcoming home for our new little one. THANK YOU!!!

This is the same outfit that Lachlan wore home from the hospital.
I think this has become a tradition now.

One of Luke's nicknames for Torin is Squeaky Mc Squeakerson. Can you tell why? : )

Our dear Torin, we are so happy you are here in our arms. You are so precious to us, and we love you dearly. You are truly our Irish blessing!

Love ya, mean it
Be here now

1 comment:

  1. vistaril, not visceral.... and fentanyl
    sorry to be a stickler, but dammit, this boy needs to know what his momma took to get him here :)
    Welcome to the lil chief!
